Frequently Asked Questions
Are introductory / initial consultations free?
Yes. There is no charge for initial conversations about business situations and potential collaborations.
Do potential clients need to prepare or decide anything, before contacting Storybrand Consulting for a consultation?
No. But a consultation will get off to a fast start if you're prepared to describe (a) your business model, (b) your top priorities, (c) what research topics you’d like to explore, (d) what target segment you’re considering researching and, lastly, (e) your timing.
How long does it take to complete a typical face-to-face focus group research project?
3 Weeks is a ballpark estimate, assuming a 4-6 focus groups in 1 or 2 domestic markets and a 5-page report with executive summary. The biggest factors influencing timing are the:
Type of Participants: (the smaller the population segment, the more time is required to write a recruiting survey “screener" and recruit the participants. Usually, at least 7 full days is required after the screening has begun. Recruiters typically prefer 2 weeks.
Note: Using a database of people with many of the required screening criteria - like demographic or behavioral characteristics- can lower this timing substantially.)
Time In The Field: Travel time, and the number /duration of sessions.
Scope and Format of Reporting: (1-page summaries can be completed within hours after the project is completed. An edited video reel integrated into a PowerPoint presentation with transcribed content may require up to a week to prepare.)
If you have questions about the timing or costs of research projects, please contact us for a free consultation..
How much do typical face-to-face focus groups cost?
The cost of most focus groups falls into the range of $5K to $10K, but there is wide variability.
This variability is driven primarily income and wealth disparities. Physicians are far more expensive to recruit than teens in high school, because the incentive payment they require is vastly different.
It is also driven by the difficulty of finding participants. A teenager with a rare illness might actually require several more hours to find, whereas a family / general practice physician is somewhat easy to find.
Fortunately, the costs of designing, hosting, consulting, moderating and reporting are more consistent, so this tempers the variability.
Therefore, here’s a bit more detailed breakdown, assuming a focus group of 6 participants, with audio/video recording:
Facility Rental: $750+
Recruitment: $1,000-$2,000+
Incentives: $1,000-$2,500+
Moderating: $1,000+
Reporting: $1,000+
If you have questions about the timing or costs of research projects, please contact us for a free consultation.
Is Storybrand Consulting available for weekend work?
Yes. Many onsite interviews (for example, at Cars and Coffee events) require weekend timing.
Does Storybrand Consulting conduct studies internationally?
Yes. For example, Tom has moderated focus groups in Toronto, Canada, Sydney, Australia and Dubai, UAE.
What’s it like to work with Storybrand Consulting? Does the company have standards for client service interaction and communication?
Yes. We call this our Joint Accountabilities:
Storybrand Consulting accountability includes:
Adherence to agreed-upon deadlines
All administrative and office costs
Accessible to client contact as much as possible, with calls returned within 1 business day
Client accountability includes:
Access to participating individuals at mutually convenient times
Provision of all information having a bearing on the project
Payment according to mutually agreed upon terms
Joint accountabilities include:
We alert each other of anything we learn that may materially affect the success of the project (for example, key personnel departures)
We will respect each other’s confidentiality and proprietary materials and approaches
We will achieve reasonable accommodation for conflicts, unforeseen events, and other priorities.
If you have questions about the timing or costs of research projects, please contact us for a free consultation.