
  • The Implications for Qualitative Researchers as Tesla Disrupts the Automotive Industry

    Published in QRCA VIEWS, January 3, 2023

    Tesla has disrupted the automotive industry with innovations in vehicle connectivity, autonomy, sharing, and electrification. Feature editor Tom Neveril explains how this has sparked an industry-wide wave of innovation initiatives, and suggests qualitative researchers re-think traditional automotive study approaches and adopt more agile, iterative explorations that focus on the impact of new technologies on customer lifestyles. Several industry-leading automotive researchers share their views on the essential methods and skills needed to successfully conduct automotive research.

  • 3 Ways Qualitative Researchers Can Help P&C Insurance Companies Transform Their Industry

    Published in QRCA VIEWS, July 11, 2022

    The property & casualty insurance industry is undergoing massive change as artificial intelligence and automation change the customer experience. Feature editor Tom Neveril explores what qualitative skills are helpful as clients attempt to personalize their services and build long-term loyalty. Several insurance company researchers and independent qualitative consultants contributed insights.

  • Find Success in Litigation Consulting by Applying Three Areas of Qualitative Expertise

    Published in QRCA VIEWS, January 13, 2022

    The fascinating art and science behind litigation consulting and 3 key areas for qualitative researchers to consider.

  • CPG’s Adoption of Market Insight Platforms Presents Opportunities and Perils for Qualitative Researchers

    Published in QRCA VIEWS, Jully 26, 2021

    We’re excited to present our new feature column, Industry Focus. Each issue will feature a different vertical and shine a spotlight on industry-specific issues that influence research design and project execution. Our goal is to share best practices within an industry, that can also be shared across industries. Tom Neveril, new feature editor for this column, has penned the first article focused on the CPG industry. ~Tamara Kenworthy, Managing Editor

  • Evoke customer stories during video focus groups with four simple questions

    Published in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, October, 2020

  • How clear masks revealed areas for improvement in qual

    Published in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, August, 2020

  • How to Build Trust During Difficult Conversations at Work

    Published in Quirk's Marketing Research Review, March 9, 2020

  • How to explore the four components of customer effort

    Published in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, January 1, 2019

    Tom Neveril offers a practical approach to help marketers diagnose customer effort problems or opportunities.

  • How to evoke respondents’ brand-related stories

    Published in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, December 2009

    The author explores the use of storytelling - including elements such as plot, conflict, surprise and lesson - to uncover and explore a consumer’s relationship to a brand.

  • Consumers Ignore Ads That Aren't Telling Their Stories

    Published in Advertising Age, March 10, 2008

    IT'S AL ABOUT THEM: Marketers must listen to customers on their home turf to get the real story.

  • Behavior Defines Consumers

    Published in Advertising Age, July 16, 2007

  • 10 Qualities for Qualitative Researchers

    Published in Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, June, 2004